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116 Onerahi Rd
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Mon - Thu: 8AM - 5PM
MDT Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy

80% of all people will experience back pain at some stage of their life and 75% of these can benefit from self-treatment.

Mckenzie Method / MDT Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy

MDT is a philosophy of active patient involvement and education that is used by clinicians and patients for back, neck and extremity problems. It is a four step process based on assessment, classification, treatment and prevention. Patients are given the knowledge and tools to self-treat, control their pain and prevent recurrence.


An important aspect is the initial assessment, consisting of a series of repeated movements and postures to see the affects they have on pain.

Our physiotherapist Nicole Dempster is a credentialed MDT therapist and qualified to help you treat yourself and get pain-free with the McKenzie Method®.

To find out if MDT will be appropriate for you, click here