Visit our Location
116 Onerahi Rd
Give us a Call
+ (64) 09-436-0919
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu: 8AM - 5PM

Aged Care – Stay active, mobile and independent!

Our population is ageing. The Ministry of Health projects the number of people over 65 will double over the next 50 years. We can help you remain active and get the best out of life, especially who feel they need a little bit of a hand to keep or get themselves moving better.



Falls are most common in older people as a result of poor vision and balance.

A targeted exercise program can reduce the rate and risk of falling. It increases and maintains strength, mobility and independence. Contact us when you have frequent falls


Broken bones as result of Osteoporosis (porous bones).

Weight-bearing exercise that works the muscles against gravity helps to keep your bones strong, e.g. arm exercises with small weights and walking. 30 minutes per day will reduce the risk of osteoporosis or worsening of this condition. We can give you an exercise prescription to suit your condition.